Stephen "Sarge" Guilfoyle is back on TheStreet to break down what investors need to know about panic points, target prices and what he's keeping an eye on in the markets.
PVH's Earnings
Guilfoyle, who writes a daily column over on Real Money, weighed in on PVH's earnings.
"But [PVH's] CEO, [Emanuel Chirico], is so darned honest. He told the truth and he's getting punished for, you know, and I admired him for that and it makes me kind of want to root for the stock. I might not even be interested in the stock if it weren't for how honest that CEO was in that interview. So yeah. Okay, I'll take another look. Maybe. Maybe Monday we'll see where it's trading. Maybe I'll buy some, maybe I won't go. Maybe I'll do something through the options market," said Guilfoyle.
Guilfoyle broke down the three-day rule and how he's applying it to PVH.
Target Prices and Panic Points
Guilfoyle has some investing education for investors who are worried about market volatility.
"I'll say this till I'm blue in the face. All right? Target prices and panic points. All right? You need them on every position. You know, let's take Apple for instance. I traded this name so poorly, but I actually made money because I obeyed my own simple rules," he said.