In a now traditional daily spectacle, President Trump ripped CNN President Jeff Zucker on Twitter Thursday morning, saying that network’s ratings “suck” and Zucker should be fired, amid the growing feud between the president and the news channel.

“The hatred and extreme bias of me by @CNN has clouded their thinking and made them unable to function. But actually, as I have always said, this has been going on for a long time,” the president tweeted adding that “Little Jeff Z has done a terrible job, his ratings suck, & AT&T should fire him to save credibility!”

Trump and CNN have been clashing all week after the president tweeted that CNN was being ripped apart for “being caught in a major lie and refusing to admit the mistake,” pointing specifically to veteran journalist Carl Bernstein. Bernstein wrote an article in July that accused the president of having prior knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting between Trump campaign personnel and Russians. However, subsequently Lanny Davis, the attorney for former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, told The Washington Post over the weekend that he was an anonymous source behind said story.

Davis then told NBC News that acting as that source was “a major mistake for which I am 100 percent sorry. I never should have done it unless I was certain and could prove it.”

Other news outlets took down their versions of the CNN report following Davis’s latest comments, however CNN has kept it up, even though it specifically said that “contacted by CNN, one of Cohen’s attorneys, Lanny Davis, declined to comment.”

And now that he is commenting, CNN refuses to publish a retraction. Instead, CNN tweeted Wednesday that CNN does not lie, defending Bernstein

Trump then shifted his focus and targeted NBC Chairman Andrew Lack in a subsequent tweet.

“What’s going on at @CNN is happening, to different degrees, at other networks – with @NBCNews being the worst. The good news is that Andy Lack(y) is about to be fired(?) for incompetence, and much worse. When Lester Holt got caught fudging my tape on Russia, they were hurt badly!”

Finally, Trump lashed out at the media in general, which he again called the “enemy of the people”, and tweeted that he just “cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is” adding that “truth doesn’t matter to them, they only have their hatred & agenda. This includes fake books, which come out about me all the time, always anonymous sources, and are pure fiction. Enemy of the People!”

In this context, Trump also appeared to clarify that the departure of White House lawyer Don McGahn had little to do with Ivanka and Jared, tweeting that “Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner had NOTHING to do with the so called “pushing out” of Don McGahn.The Fake News Media has it, purposely,so wrong! They love to portray chaos in the White House when they know that chaos doesn’t exist-just a “smooth running machine” with changing parts!”

Trump concluded on a positive note, urging his followers to look at the market which hit 4 consecutive days of all time highs, and tweeted that “the news from the Financial Markets is even better than anticipated. For all of you that have made a fortune in the markets, or seen your 401k’s rise beyond your wildest expectations, more good news is coming!” It is not clear how many of Trump’s supporters actually have 401k’s.


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