Authored by Sylvain LaForest via Oriental Review,

Read Part 1 here…

Read Part 2 here…

The unpleasant reality

In a secret meeting on August 14 1940 on the USS Augusta, Churchill asked Roosevelt to join the war, but the American President categorically refused to discuss this topic. In fact, no meaningful step had been taken by the USA that could have led to its entry in WW2, except that the American President had stepped up the preparation of the Army, which couldn’t affect the invasion of England, be it on mid-September 1940 as originally planned, or in the spring of 1941. Thus, the timetable of WW2 becomes loaded with circumstantial evidence that demonstrates the genuine mission that Hess carried in England. Roosevelt, whom had officially promised to never get involved in WW2 just a few months earlier changed his foreign policy overnight, like Doctor Jekyll turns into Mister Hyde, within days after Hess set a sore foot on Scottish soil.

  • June 14 – 34 days after Hess: All German and Italian assets in the United States are frozen.

  • June 16 – 36 days after Hess: All German and Italian consulates in the United States are ordered closed and their staffs are to leave the country by July 10.

What do you think could have triggered such a strong US reaction against Germany between May 10th and June 14th? Well, on May 21st (11 days after Hess), there also was the sinking of US merchantman SS Robin Moor by a German U-Boat, which might be the most underrated false flag in the Motherland of false flags, since the last thing Germany wanted was to start sinking the merchant boats of their main funders. As in every proven false flag operations, strange details surround this first sinking of a US ship in WW2: the merchant ship was left without a Navy escort; the U-Boat commander had the detailed list of the content aboard the Robin Moor; he had the boat evacuated before he torpedoed it; many witnesses and passengers were forbidden to talk about the incident. The event startled the whole country, and President Roosevelt announced an “unlimited national emergency.”

  • June 22 : Germany launches Operation Barberossa against the Soviet Union.

  • June 26: In response to the Japanese occupation of French Indochina, President Roosevelt orders the seizure of all Japanese assets in the United States.

  • August 1: The US announces an oil embargo against Japan, because of its occupation of Saigon in Vietnam.

And so on, and so on. The USA first were angry at Germany, then set a motion of sanctions and decisions that poked Japan until it bombarded Pearl Harbor just 7 months later. Even though the US entered WW2 on December 1941, it only fought Japan for 10 long months and let the Nazis achieve a maximum of destruction to the USSR, before both countries actually clashed in North Africa in November 1942. Curiously, that was just a few weeks after everyone had realized that the Red Army would destroy the 6th Army in Stalingrad, which was the beginning of the end of the Third Reich that only had 18 months left.

Historical hard facts bring speculation down to this: since nothing else happened in May 1941, was it the parachuting of Hess in England or the sinking of an evacuated merchantman ship that really triggered the sudden and radical turnaround of policy toward the war by the USA? If you choose the bizarre sinking of the Robin Moor, you also have to believe that this was a better reason to enter the war for Americans than the destruction of their closest European allies by Nazis that triggered next to nothing by the fall of 1940. How could anyone justify that there was such a sudden urgency to join the war in the Spring of 1941, now that Germany had left the West alone and turned toward the Soviet Union? Indeed, the Hess mission brings an undeniable moment of clarity about WW2.

Rather than a great mystery, the parachuting of Hess is much more an explanation about the historical reality that transpires in the most obvious way, thanks to the 180 degrees change of behavior by the US about its involvement in the war after the event. Because History was written by those who won the war, what it will fail to explain, or even mention, is that England and the USA had totally different reasons for the funding of Adolf’s diabolical plans. While England wanted Germany to crush every other minor colonial empire to consolidate its own, destroy the dangerous Soviet Union and also deport every European Jew to Palestine to create Israel to finally implement the 1917 Balfour resolution, the objectives of the American banks were definitely not the same as those of the Bank of England. As a matter of fact, one of them was diametrically opposed: they had financed Hitler to crush the British Colonial Empire, and completely take over the role of the hegemonic leaders of the New World Order. Reduced to a much simpler formula, Wall Street sought to replace the Rothschild. By invading England and especially the City of London, a tiny part of the capital that works as an independent state, Hitler would’ve destroyed the Rothschild empire. The City of London was the world’s financial power center and wealthiest square mile on the planet that hosts the Bank of England, the Lloyd’s of London, the London stock exchange, and every other British bank. Everything points to the fact that American bankers and industrials had armed Hitler to the teeth to give a deathblow straight in the heart of the British Empire financial system.

Against all we were taught in school, WW2 is in its essence a triangle of treasons between the great Anglo-Saxon allies in their quest of the world economical and political dominance, and their German proxy. Since history has a tendency to repeat itself, the war in Syria is a carbon-copy replica of WW2, with Daesh playing the Nazis, and the same Western coalition that had to put their boots on the ground when its proxy army began to fail against, once more, Russia.

Is this speculative? Any other version of history has to dismiss the meaning of hard facts that are available in every WW2 history book, but this version actually explains and links them all. Furthermore, stretch the logical analysis by asking yourself if the massive American funding of Germany was to help England in its quest for the world hegemony, or for self-benefit. Ask yourself why American bankers would let a European family control the Federal Reserve, the businesses of money-creation and the exploitation of the world’s resources. Ask yourself if Hitler wasn’t the perfect opportunity to submit the British Empire for those who sought the control of the world. Now look at the end game: the American plan sure worked, as the outcome would be confirmed in 1944 with the Bretton-Woods agreement, when the world decided that the US dollar would replace the English pound as the international reserve and trading currency. Rothschild hadn’t been completely eradicated as originally planned, but by conquering and liberating countries that were left with dozens of military bases, the US took over the New World Order. After a century and a half of a global Empire that stretched over 17,000,000 square miles or a third of the planet, England was suddenly reduced to an American vassal satellite in 1944. Remember how Roosevelt and Stalin were complicit in dividing the world at the Yalta Conference, while Churchill was left looking from the sidelines? Logical analysis and circumstantial evidence make this theory the most likely one about the Hess mission.

A very clear mission

The purpose of this trip finally makes perfect logical sense and to make believe that Hess never met Churchill or any other Rothschild representative in such an important moment is ludicrous. The Deputy Führer had parachuted to tell England what the American bankers expected from Germany, but also that Hitler was ready to betray his main funders at certain conditions. The Führer was betting on the British Empire in the long term and believed that Germany should share a piece of the Empire, yet another misjudgment of the future since he also had claimed that the Third Reich would last a 1000 years.

Churchill agreed with Hess, since Germany attacked the Soviet Union the very next month. Had he refused, there was no need to parachute Goebbels in Boston, since the only other option for Germany was to invade England to fulfill its contract with its American funders, with the same hopes of sharing their version of the hegemony. Germany and England continued to clash in the next few months, but it was mostly war for profits. Destroy cities, sink ships in the middle of the ocean, blow up tanks in the desert, nothing that couldn’t be rebuilt or re-bought, and especially nothing of real strategic importance. And again, things only got serious between them after Stalingrad, the military turning point of WW2.

In a world as normal and truthful that most of us like to imagine, peace between Germany and England would’ve been discussed in a third country, through an official meeting between the two governments. However, reality also explains the otherwise unexplainable fact that Germany wanted to keep the mission a total secret. Because Hess landed on a remote farm in Scotland, the USA quickly realized that their first major proxy army, the Nazis, wasn’t working for them anymore and that if they hoped to lead the New World Order someday, they had to enter the war and get it themselves, fast.

It’s very clear why this mighty German dilemma, which was about to shape the world up to this day, couldn’t be discussed over a telephone line, nor written on a scroll that would carry a pigeon, and why every document about it was kept secret. Because it demonstrates how treasonous the leaders of these two moral defenders of human rights and democracy can be, even to each other. Revealing the documents would also expose their lies to keep everyone ignorant of the real history, because the unpleasant truth on the Hess mission basically changes our whole perception of the war, but even more, of our world.


When Hitler realized that everyone had found out about the mission, he panicked and he became the first one to declare that his old friend had gone mad and had escaped Germany. It took many years for Mrs Hess to see her husband again when she was allowed to visit him in Spandau for 30 minutes. When asked if her husband was crazy in a filmed interview, she replied: “By reading all the the letters he wrote to me over the years, I can tell you that if Rudolf is crazy, I am too.”

WW2 split the first and second parts of the original New World Order plan set in 1773 by Amshel Mayer Rothschild: the British Colonial Empire was replaced by the American Empire. Same plan of world domination, but the Rothschild family would now have to share it with a handful of Yankee Illuminatis.

When Rudolf Hess said that he had come to England to save humanity, might he have been talking about the lesser evil domination the British Empire and Germany would’ve kept over the world, compared to the totalitarian American Big Brother that is now our reality?

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